Event Driven Updates

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Event Driven Updates (EDU) helps decoupling components of AJAX heavy JSF UIs.

EDU does so by allowing components to request being re-rendered/updated based on an event. An event in terms of EDU is just a name through which it can be referenced by a triggering component, e.g., configuration-changed.


There is an integration test based on Mojarra. It can be launched running the maven command mvn wildfly:run from within the module folder and viewed in a browser at http://localhost:8080/edu-it-mojarra.


For usage instructions see module edu.


In order to use EDU in a web application the edu.jar must be present on the classpath.

EDU has no transitive dependencies. It expects javax.javaee-web-api to be present on the class path.


Add the following dependency to the <dependencies> section of your pom.xml:


Releases are hosted on Maven Central. Additionally releases and snapshots are hosted by Sonatype at https://oss.sonatype.org/content/groups/public. In order to use snapshots make sure their repository is defined in the <repositories> section of your pom.xml:

    <id>Sonatype repository</id>  
    <name>Sonatype's Maven repository</name>  


EDU is licensed under Apache 2.0.